Ballinderry mål
Lagt inn: 31 okt 2012, 17:17
Under treffet på Hamar fortalte jeg Daniel og Erik at jeg hadde målene på barlindbuen fra Ballinderry så her er det jeg har.
Beskrivelsen kan kanskje virke litt forvirrende, men det er nå slik det står.
( National Museum of Ireland accession no. 1932:7252)
Description: Bowstave of Yew, almost complete but with one incomplete end, originally ca. 5 cm longer. Intact end is simply tapered almost to a point, with single rounded nock, 6 mm wide and 5 mm deep, on one side 19 mm from end; stave is beginning to break 10,5 mm from end. No nock survives at incomplete end. Present curvature of stave is apparently opposite of original, concave at back and convex at belly, although ends are slightly recurved. Several knots left standing proud on back and facets produced by paring/shaving tool visible on belly. Rough cord-like impressions, 1 mm wide winding in spiral form around back, one side and belly between 89 cm and 92 cm from intact end, may represent traces of handle binding.
Cross-section: Roughly D-shaped, with rounded belly and flatter back, but relatively shallow and becoming more ovoid towards ends; sides of stave have clearly been flattened. Clear sapwood/heartwood destinction is visible, sapwood on the back accounting for ut to one-third of total depth of stave.
Length: 185,0 cm( originally Ca. 190 cm) Max width: 40 mm Max Depth: 31 cm
DIMENSIONS ( in mm):
Distance from
intact end
Width: Depth: Circumference
5cm 14 7 39
10cm 16 8 46 (damaged)
20cm 20 12 55
30cm 29 20 81
40cm 32 21 94
50cm 37 24 106
60cm 37 27 108
70cm 38 29 114
80cm 38 26 110
90cm 38 25 111
100cm 38 27 111
110cm 39 29 115
120cm 38 29 115
130 36 25 106
140cm 35 22 99
150cm 34 23 97
160cm 32 19 88
170cm 29 18 82
180cm 22 11 60
185cm 17 8 46
Målene er litt ujevne, men det kan de ofte være på en barlindbue, man får vel også tenke på tidens tann ved 1000 år i jorda. Kanskje de tynne tuppene har vært mer utsatt enn de tykkere delene av buen.
Beskrivelsen kan kanskje virke litt forvirrende, men det er nå slik det står.
( National Museum of Ireland accession no. 1932:7252)
Description: Bowstave of Yew, almost complete but with one incomplete end, originally ca. 5 cm longer. Intact end is simply tapered almost to a point, with single rounded nock, 6 mm wide and 5 mm deep, on one side 19 mm from end; stave is beginning to break 10,5 mm from end. No nock survives at incomplete end. Present curvature of stave is apparently opposite of original, concave at back and convex at belly, although ends are slightly recurved. Several knots left standing proud on back and facets produced by paring/shaving tool visible on belly. Rough cord-like impressions, 1 mm wide winding in spiral form around back, one side and belly between 89 cm and 92 cm from intact end, may represent traces of handle binding.
Cross-section: Roughly D-shaped, with rounded belly and flatter back, but relatively shallow and becoming more ovoid towards ends; sides of stave have clearly been flattened. Clear sapwood/heartwood destinction is visible, sapwood on the back accounting for ut to one-third of total depth of stave.
Length: 185,0 cm( originally Ca. 190 cm) Max width: 40 mm Max Depth: 31 cm
DIMENSIONS ( in mm):
Distance from
intact end
Width: Depth: Circumference
5cm 14 7 39
10cm 16 8 46 (damaged)
20cm 20 12 55
30cm 29 20 81
40cm 32 21 94
50cm 37 24 106
60cm 37 27 108
70cm 38 29 114
80cm 38 26 110
90cm 38 25 111
100cm 38 27 111
110cm 39 29 115
120cm 38 29 115
130 36 25 106
140cm 35 22 99
150cm 34 23 97
160cm 32 19 88
170cm 29 18 82
180cm 22 11 60
185cm 17 8 46
Målene er litt ujevne, men det kan de ofte være på en barlindbue, man får vel også tenke på tidens tann ved 1000 år i jorda. Kanskje de tynne tuppene har vært mer utsatt enn de tykkere delene av buen.