Painting with gold
Lagt inn: 22 jan 2013, 11:00
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Just thought I'd share some photos of my learning process with gold painting. I got most of my information on this from "Ottoman Turkish bows" by Adam Karpowicz.
So, first one collects all the spare money, and buys some 24k gold leaf... Then one puts it into a cup with some honey. I used a bit too much honey. Then use the thumb to mix and tear up the gold leaf in the honey. Result: still edible honey, although a bit expensive. Next step is more grinding, as I've only spend half an hour mixing it yet. When the gold is well ground up, I will wash off the honey.
Just thought I'd share some photos of my learning process with gold painting. I got most of my information on this from "Ottoman Turkish bows" by Adam Karpowicz.
So, first one collects all the spare money, and buys some 24k gold leaf... Then one puts it into a cup with some honey. I used a bit too much honey. Then use the thumb to mix and tear up the gold leaf in the honey. Result: still edible honey, although a bit expensive. Next step is more grinding, as I've only spend half an hour mixing it yet. When the gold is well ground up, I will wash off the honey.