Seljeboga fra Alaska

Alt om bygging av buer

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Registrert: 08 apr 2009, 17:54
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Sted: Oslo

Seljeboga fra Alaska

Legg inn av MalaWolf »

Snubla over denne her:
http://northernwildernesskills.blogspot ... w-bow.html
I first got curious of the Alaskan Athabaskan bows in the collections of the Finnish National Museum. There are two bows made out of birch with guard. These bows are both ascribed belonging to the Tanaina. These bows are interesting as the influence of Pacific Eskimo culture is strongly evident in th use of sinew string lashing wrapped all around the bow-limbs, a very unique trait among American Indian bows. The VK201 (to the left) is 151 cm long and the VK 202 is 142 cm long. These bows where donated by Etholén in 1846.

According to Otis Tufton Mason (North American Bows Arrows and Quivers, 1893) these bows are typical of the upper inlet Tanaina. He also describes bows made out of willow equipped with the typical wooden string guard, attached with lashings below the handle section of the bow.
Master bowyer
Innlegg: 3125
Registrert: 26 mar 2010, 21:54
Bosted: Tonsberg

Re: Seljeboga fra Alaska

Legg inn av Bowman »

Spennende bue. Jeg har boken til Mason, og dere er mange av de arktiske buene presentert. Mye kabelbuer. :-)
attend and listen gentlemen
that be of freeborn blood
I shall tell you of a good yeman
his name was Robin Hood