Re: Nye funn
Lagt inn: 22 mar 2013, 22:47

Forum for historiske og tradisjonelle bueskyttere.
bedre!Lurz skrev:Ull?
Deler av pilboger frå yngre steinalder smelta fram frå isen. (Foto: Åge Hojem og Martin Callahan/NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet)
Beregnet på småvokste folk som snikjakter i tett vegetasjonHardwood skrev:Fantastisk ! 108 cm lang bare ? Sikkert en jaktbue til tett vegetasjon, beregnet på kort trekk ?
All informasjon jeg har funnet tilsier at dette er hele bua ja.nidrinr skrev:sikker på at det er hele bua?
The bow is 108 cm long and has a plano-convex section and is made out of yew wood (Taxus baccata) as were the majority of Neolithic bows so far discovered in Europe.
Of all the tools disinterred at La Draga, those that caused the greatest excitement were possibly two bows made from yew found in 2001 and 2003 respectively (Fig. 20). One is 105 cm long, 3.4 cm wide and 2.2 cm thick, with an oval cross-section. The surface is lightly polished and the tips to which the string was attached have not sur- vived. The other is only 35 cm long, 2.8 cm wide and 1 cm thick and the cross-section is plano-convex. In this case one of the tips still bears the two notches to which one end of the string was fixed. The string was probably made of animal gut or plant fibres. These two Neolithic bows from La Draga — along with some from the Linear Pottery Cul- ture of Central Europe, such as grave 704-706 at the
chwanfeld necropolis13 — are probably among the oldest in Europe.14
Ser ut til at denhar vært noe lengre - tuppene med nockene har ikke overlevd.nidrinr skrev:sikker på at det er hele bua?