Synes at denne hører hjemme på verktøysiden. Knallfin rasp fra Kviljo buemakeri med et noe uortodoks grep. Det var faktisk Ivar som kom på ideen på fjorårets buemakerseminar og jeg tok han på ordet.
Alle tiders verktøy.
attend and listen gentlemen
that be of freeborn blood
I shall tell you of a good yeman
his name was Robin Hood
During the 13th century the dagger re‐emerged as a military weapon in Europe. A variety of distinct types evolved, soon also functioning as popular civilian weapons, all over the Continent. Contrary to other European societies, Scandinavians favoured one specific type, namely the kidney dagger. These daggers are found in different archaeological contexts in the Nordic countries, and their violent use is known from both iconographic and written sources. The Scandinavian preference is noted by several authors, one of them even proposing a Scandinavian origin. Still, they do not try to explain this preference. The article presents an interpretation based on the phallic form both of the weapon and of the way of carrying it. The phallic symbolism of the ballock dagger was obvious in contemporary medieval times, but has been obscured later on, for instance by the Victorian label ‘kidney dagger’. Using daggers from Western Norway as a starting point, kidney daggers in Scandinavia are interpreted in a medieval context derived from the Norse sagas and laws. These sources draw a picture of a violent society with rigid conceptions of honour, masculine identity and sexuality. Based on this picture, our understanding of the kidney dagger and material culture of violence in medieval Scandinavian society can be brought a step further.
Interessant lesning Ivar. Jeg var ikke klar over at balledolken hadde så stor innpass i Skandinavia. Da blir det jo ekstra kult. Jeg har engasjert en smed som skal lage et saex blad til meg denne våren. Nå trur jeg at han skal få et oppdrag til. Mary Rose Tudor balledolk. Jeg har en fra før av som Tod har laget og den er utrolig fin i all sin enkelhet. Blir fristet til å lage en selv.
attend and listen gentlemen
that be of freeborn blood
I shall tell you of a good yeman
his name was Robin Hood