Dette har vært diskutert, så jeg gikk til hestens munn så og si. Eller iallefall en Facebooksiden om bueskyting på Island, på Islandsk.
Bueskyting er altså lov. Men buer er våpen og en må ha behov og erhvervstillatelse, være med i klubb, osv - omtrent som rifler her tydeligvis. Skal en ha buer med seg inn i landet må en ha tillatelse fra politiet.
"Today archery is allowed, but the rules it that you need to be in legit sports club that is practicing archery and get licence from a police to own a bow. And for foreigner to come to iceland they need to get a special permit from the police to be allowed to walk with the bow through customs. And bowhunting is not allowed. Some people have brought there bows to iceland and went to to shoot from a bow there. You could also get some info from them on how is best to get a licence and get in contat to the police. This are the laws today but hopefully it will change in near future." ... ion=stream
Bueskyting på Island, forbudt eller ikke..
Moderator: GreenMan